How Long Does it Take to Recover From Dental Implants?

By: Capital District Team


Many people suffer from missing or damaged teeth. This can affect your dental stability, foundation, and overall aesthetic. Dental implants are metal posts that are inserted into the jawbone to make an attachment point for restorations. Our doctors may be able to help you restore your smile to what it used to be. Schedule a consultation with Capital District Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons in Albany or Latham, NY to learn how we can help you today.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are metal posts, usually titanium, that are surgically placed into your jawbone. This post acts as a natural tooth root. Then, the implant may be used to support a restoration. These restorations can include bridges, crowns, or dentures. Dental implants are ideal for those with one or more damaged or missing teeth. Those who are looking for a more permanent or more stable option to traditional dentures might also be good candidates. Our surgeons will assess your teeth and gums to see if you have the adequate bone structure for a dental implant. A bone graft may also be recommended to help strengthen any existing bone.

What should I expect from dental implant surgery?

Before your dental implants are placed, our team will use advanced cone beam technology to assess your bone and nerve positioning. This will allow us to plan your implant positioning. You may need to have any damaged teeth removed before we continue with the procedure. Local anesthesia will be used to numb any treated areas, and sedation may be available to help you relax. Our surgeon will start with an incision into your gums, where he will then place the metal post into your jawbone. The incision will then be closed around the post. Over the next 3 – 6 months, the bone will integrate with the titanium post. Then, a restoration will be placed over your implants. If dental implants seem right for you, contact Capital District Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons in Albany or Latham, NY to see how dental implants can change your life.

What is the recovery period like after a dental implant?

Recovery from dental implant surgery is different for everyone. After the first part of your procedure, there is a significant healing period. Some people will heal within three months with minimal pain and swelling, while others might take the full six months and have significant symptoms. Your recovery time can also be affected by how complex your procedure is. The best way to reduce the recovery period is to follow all instructions our team may give you. You should take it easy, eat soft foods, use cold packs, and take over-the-counter pain medications. After you get your restorations, the rest is relatively easy. Since this procedure is a two-step process, your healing process can vary.

Where can I get dental implants in Albany or Latham, NY?

The recovery period for dental implants can vary depending on each case. There will always be at least a three-month waiting period between the first step of your treatment and the second. However, beyond that, it depends on the complexity and your personal healing speeds. Our doctors will help you understand each step of your procedure and what healing is required afterward. Contact Capital District Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons in Albany or Latham, NY for a full consultation on the health of your teeth and gums.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.